A friend of
Morrigan named Maria had a magical wintersolstice in December. Afterwards she told me what she saw. And I made
a poem of it.
As a memory of the beginning of Yule and the closing of this part of the Wheel::
Lady Winter
She was in
a golden ball
Saw two
figures riding horses
she couldn’t see their faces,
She knew by
mysterious forces
They were
me and her, riding,
In circles
we moved around
In a deep
and dark forest
where we couldn’t
hear a sound
Until a
magical moment did occur
In shining
light Lady Winter stood there, tall
And gave
both of us a call
That sign
made us feel delighted
On our
righteous pathway we were
everything became very, very, clear.
Big thank
you to Maria, who had shared her experience with me. She too, rolls on in the time of Wheel towards Imbolc tonight when we welcome Blodeuewedd, goddess of this time of year.
Magisch mooi...