zaterdag 5 september 2015

Magical Way in the park

I was walking in the park, in magical way coloured yellow, green and purple
and saw a little rabbit
Laying down the grass, stretching his rabbitbody as far as he could do
The little lazy rabbit was chewing green, green grass
In the soft light of friendly September sun

Magical Way

I was walking in the park under a grey and blue coloured sky
and saw a group of young men
Playing on the grass, like a sworn pack of warriors, all real tight together
The sportive group of young men were serious playing rugby
While September clouds were rapidly drifting over

I was walking in the park in quite nice autumn breeze
And saw a bed of yellow flowers, there was a purple bed as well
When I was walking on my magical way
In this park of so many tales

I was walking in the park between twinkling puddles of water
and saw a magical black-greyhaired man
He was on his bicycle, on his way to I’d never know
He was pedaling real relaxed, with no hurry or whatsoever
In this magical way of a beautiful and relaxed SeptemberSaturday

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