zondag 3 april 2016

What April does today

Sun's shining, window's open, birds are singing their song of Spring/ So many birds, so many songs, all loud and clear, you just have to hear
First warm day of the year, april three, made me sweat, must've been nice/ because everything nice, just makes me sweat
So sweating is my compass
for recognizing what is nice

I'd like to meet the Indian, the Indian I have never known,
I'd like to meet him because he is very wise, so they say, and I like to know his wisdom of the soul, I know he knows
I'd like him to be nice and friendly, understanding and broad of mind,
doesn't need that many words, but just good energy and being kind
I know he's out there and I'd like to find him
See if I will start to sweat

What is the Indian doing here? Here and now on my mind? I was writing about this day
and there he is, walking in my head, leaving this day behind

Sunset has come this hour, window's closed, birds are still singing, their enthousiastic song of Spring
So many birds, so many songs
Spirit's incredibly royal
Just listen to all those nature songs

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