zaterdag 30 april 2016

Tomorrow Beltane

Morrigan is thinking. Last day of Ostara-time already. How time flies.
Strange it is to experience how time 's passed/ so very fast/ whish it could've last
a little bit longer.

On the other hand, the beginning of April seems to be ages ago

the air still feels like end of Imbolc, beginning of Ostara,
while the smiling flowerchild is turning into a lady
Rhiannon is cantering, wild and free
abundance of colours around her being/in her soul/ is her soul
her splashing soul
full of exuberant songs/ no, not love songs, or?
Wait a minute...
Yes they are/songs of love
waiting love/ impatience love/secret love/impropriate love
Because in the end it is all about love, love/ the flowerchild knows/ she already knew when she was born/ the lady knows/it is about love
Herne, he knows it is about love/the Green Man knows it is about love
the colour is pink, just right now, pink/ pink in the sky/ pink is the river, the river of love/ it streams to the ocean, the ocean of love/ Hey, why is the ocean coloured blue?

We are celebrating Beltane tomorrow
welcome to the party of life, party of fertility in every way
Jump over the fire, sing and dance, lay down with your darling, run with Rhiannon, listen
hear the message the Godess will give you in her magical way

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow Beltane

God & Godess come together, remember, Earth won't be fertile without Water and the Fire of Sun
Time of fertility
Celebrate life, like God & Godess do
They don't save on colours, they don't save on music
Hear the birds singing/hear the song of the sea/ Hear the wind whistling high notes/ Hear the drums in the sky
Open your eyes and see/the colours of the blossoms/ the shimmering river/ all greens in trees
God & Godess don't save on anything, they don't hold back in this time of year, so that's what they want you to do: don't hold back but throw your arms in the air and dance/ dance the dance of life

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