maandag 16 mei 2016

Rhiannon's near

I can see myself/ Walking/ in the Green fields of Old England/ Long black dress protecting me/ Protection/ and the Raven flies with me/ 
Blue, blue sky in this month of May

Just befor Full Moon will appear/ I can feel the magic in the air/ Whispering in the sky I can hear/ Rhiannon's cantering/ in this time/ She's near

'Moon will be full of energy/ what is it you like to see flowering?/ Time is now and not tomorrow or the day after, after the day, after the day after the day of days
Walk your magical way'
She says

'Don't forget to take a step/ A step each day you live/ don't think of the results/ It is the way that matters

Sit in full moonlight, 21st of May/ Feel what happens/ feel it for real/  and after you've sat tell
Yourself/ What to do in this time of deep spring and blossoming/ fertility will give you the ability/ to live on the magical way'

And so I walk/ in the green fields of my mind/ every day and every night/ when do I dream? When is it real? What they call Real is a Dream to me/ and what I call real is a dream to them/ Nature knows, Sister Moon knows, Universe knows, Godess knows and Herne, too, for what is real/ So I watch them, listen with care, follow them/ Hoping one day I''l know

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