zondag 9 augustus 2015

Song of the sea

The song of the sea
Sounds wild and free
‘Come along now and sail with me’
That is the message of her turbulent song,
During day and all night long.
Sometimes high and sometimes low
Never ending, she won’t let go

Listening ears on the shore
Are getting spelled and they adore
The sound of the waves
Rocking the coast
And want to set sail
That’s what they want most

So there the young man
from who the ears are
Is getting real restless
Seeks comfort in a bar

But this place is no way out of this tickling feeling
A sailing ship could give him is needful healing
The day he first sets sail was the happiest in his life
He realizes when he looks at his wife
Twenty years after he first sailed away
And ten years after his wedding day
No sailing around, no sailing no more

Just another day he heard that old song
The song of the sea
Calling on him 'Come along with me'

His ears listened to it, eyes gathering tears
Couldn’t get out there,
And now all he hears
Is the song of the sea,
Still wild now and still free...

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