zondag 8 november 2015

Evening in Samhaintime


Sky as dark as batskin
Wind blows fallen leaves in a whirl
Rain is sweeping evening streets
Lonely and forgotten
I am walking down the pavement
Where I am the only girl

Lights are shining in warm houses
Comforting families and friends
Morrigan is checking town
Watching men in pubs who're seeking
company to talk to, people who'll comprehend
Their stories 'bout whatever

I am going home
And light my candles,
burn my dear incense-sticks
My house is full of spirit
Spirit of Samhain
Calling me inwards, deep in  my soul
And give me delightful winterspiced beer

Untill Yule I'll be inside most
After solsticetime I'll pop up
like in that story of the bottle and the ghost

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